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ClimaCheck onsite is a portable solution for performance inspection, validation and troubleshooting air conditioning, heat pumps and refrigeration systems. 

The system is quick to set up, with information available for analysis using ClimaCheck software within 30 minutes of monitoring. Key information available is:


  • COP, EER, kW/ton

  • System Efficiency Index (SEI)

  • Heating-, cooling capacity and power input, (volt, amps and power factor)

  • Energy consumption

  • Superheat and subcool

  • Compressor isentropic efficiency

  • Evaporator efficiency 

  • Condenser efficiency

  • Cycle efficiency

  • Water/Air temperature in and out of the condenser, dT, flow, etc.

  • Water/Air temperature in and out of the evaporator, dT, flow, etc.

  • And many more parameters


For longer-term analysis or remote viewing, data can also be sent to the cloud for viewing online.


With hundreds of ready to use templates, even for the most complex configuration, systems can be evaluated in detail to pinpoint any type of problems on the same level as advanced test rigs in a manufacturer's facility.


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ClimaCheck Online

Interested in plant optimisation, implementing a preventative maintenance strategy, or just energy reporting. ClimaCheck Online provides a solution for all of this. With state-of-the-art visualisation of performance that provides early warning of increased energy consumption and reduced component efficiencies, this is a valuable tool used by both equipment owners and contractors for monitoring, validating, and fault diagnostics of air conditioning and refrigeration plant.


Providing all the key information that the onsite system offers plus energy statistics, indirect refrigerant leak detection, alerts and autodiagnostics. ClimaCheck can be installed as a standalone system or interfaced with existing third party systems to utilise already installed sensors. 


Once installed ClimaCheck Online can be viewed over the internet, with a simplified mobile friendly version also available.



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About ClimaCheck

Founded in 2004, ClimaCheck is the global leader in performance measurement of air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pumps. Supplying equipment to some of the worlds biggest chiller and compressor manufacturers, hundreds of contractors across North America, Europe and Asia, and providing ongoing monitoring on fixed installations in over 20 Countries.


It is estimated that nearly 20% of the world's electricity is used by cooling processes. In most cases, the owners of the equipment do not have the knowledge to evaluate how efficiently their systems are operating, or are simply not aware that they could be operating inefficiently, as systems are commonly judged on whether they reach the intended temperature or not.


ClimaCheck's experience from measuring thousands of plants, along with several independent studies has shown that energy consumption can often be reduced by 10-30% by optimising existing HVACR equipment without any major investment in upgrades. As these systems often account for 40-60% of a building's electricty consumption, there are significant savings to be made by ensuring systems perform optimally.


To find out more about ClimaCheck and view case studies, click the link below:




ClimaCheck Onsite

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