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We offer three types of energy audit; basic, detailed and subsystem, all of which follow the processes set out in AS/NZS 3598 2014. Often the first audit undertaken will be basic level audit as this type of audit identifies no-cost and low cost savings. However, if you believe you have a refrigeration system that is under performing then we can carry out a subsystem audit.

Energy audits

An energy audit can identify energy savings across an individual facility, a whole business across several sites, or a single process. These can range from quick wins requiring little or no investment through to longer term savings requiring investment.


An improvement in energy efficiency within your organisation can bring significant benefits such as lower operating costs, it not unusual for energy savings of 10 to 30% to be identified, which in turn leads to reduced emissions and increased profit for the business. 


Before providing a proposal for any audit we will meet with you to discuss your goals and expectations. Having this opportunity to visit your site also allows us to develop a brief and structure an audit proposal that will better meet your needs. All audits follow the following process.

Energy audit process

Step 1

Establish a base line: Determine how the building/sub system is performing

Step 2

Information collection: Detailed inspection of the building and systems, energy data, maintenance records etc.

Step 3

Analyse information: 

Determine how the system is performing. 

Additional site visits are as required depending on the level of audit

Step 4


Present findings to client, including break down on energy use and recommendations for improvements

Types of audit


This level of energy audit and will provide a quantitative overview of energy consumption and identifies no-cost and low cost opportunities.

This is typically the first type of audit carried out as it provides the high level analysis to assist with more detailed audits.


This type of audit will give you a clear understanding of where energy is being consumed within your building or facility and will include more a detailed analysis of equipment and processes, looking at operational characteristics, efficiencies and energy data.

The audit will identify opportunities that will typically require capital investment or with a longer payback. Where capital investment is required, estimates of costs and pay back periods are provided.


This type of audit involves detailed on site measurement over a longer period of time. This type of audit enables a greater understanding of the system efficiency at varying operating conditions.

This type of audit is enables savings to be calculated much more accurately than other audits and is often used to support a business case for implementing energy saving measures.

RME Solutions offer detailed subsystem audits of refrigeration plant. 

© 2023 by RME Solutions Ltd, New Zealand

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